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michael hardin

Ooohhhh..I have often wondered about Judas and his redemption. I appreciate your reframing of the story, this is definitely food for thought....

Scott Hutchinson

Thanks, Nancy. I have little doubt that had he not taken his own life, Judas would have been an apostle offering the most powerful of testimonies. More than once, I have imagined the joy I might feel if privileged to serve as pastor of St. Judas United Church of Christ!

nancy hitt

In truth, Scott, we are all privileged to serve there every day.....


I have read that scripture dzones of times and never noticed that Jesus called Judas friend. Very enlightening post, Kelly. Thanks1Pam at www.2encourage.blogspot.comP.S. My favorite version of the Bible is Good News (probably because that is the version I found right after my salvation experience), but this year I have been reading from the New Living and enjoying that also.

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