I am going to do something I probably should not do, I am going to label GW and Rummy as fake Christians, false Christians, followers of a false Christ, indeed, an anti-Christ. I am going to say that their version of what constitutes Christianity is not only heresy, it is the most damaging sort of synchophantic nationalistic nonsense we haven't seen since Charlemagne or Pope Urban II. Even Adolf Hitler was not so stupid as to try and merge some kind of Christian dogma into his version of National Socialism (although many of his followers sought to).
The reports out on the now released Defense Intelligence Estimates given to Bush have pictures of US soliders in battle with Bible verses on their covers. If this is not some kind of holy war mentality I don't know what is. I cannot fault the Muslim world if they should get the impression that Christian (sic) America is out to destroy them. If the churches in America do not stand up and absolutely denounce this use of Scripture, if they are afraid of being politically incorrect or if they think they can stand idly by wait until we get a President whose mind is as sharp as Bill Clinton's and whose heart is as dark as Dick Cheney's they are dead wrong and not counting the cost of discipleship.
As you can tell, I am disgusted, distrubed, bothered and hot under the collar. I did not once see Rummy quoting Jesus, for if he had, he could not have EVER justified this war we are in. And I think of all those flag-waving Christians who think they are doing honor to both God and country at the same time, who sing militant hymns in church, who show triumphalist videos in their sanctuaries and I say: False shepherds, false Christians, you listen to a lying Spirit, a spirit of deception and murder, the Spirit of your progenitor who was a liar and muderer from the beginning.
This is not a political issue, this is a theological issue, it is to use the texts which are in the process of denouncing violence to justify violence and here is the rub: it all comes down to a view of the inspiration and authority of Scripture which is believed to be fully inspired, infallible or inerrant. It is time to get to the heart of this issue before a Christian fascist really takes hold of the White House.
Hey Michael- Did you catch Stephen Colbert's satiric take on this? He addressed the biblical quotes specifically, playing them off of the realities of the war. I think it was the 5/19 episode. It's a bit odd that Comedy Central is putting out more truth in advertising than anyone else...
Posted by: nancy hitt | May 20, 2009 at 06:29 AM